Does your child struggle with anxiety, anger, ADHD, or self-esteem that is affecting their behaviour, causing challenges at school, impacting their motivation, or leaving them constantly frustrated? As a parent, are you feeling overwhelmed, lost, and all out of ideas of what to do next? Parenting children used to be communal and now it seems to all fall on the shoulders of one or two parents! As parents of our generation take the first step in their mental health journey, we are also taking the first step for our children’s mental health modelling for them that it is ok to ask for help.
I believe inside each child is an expressive voice that is seeking to be heard and seen. I offer play therapy, expressive arts, and acceptance and commitment therapy for kids tailored specifically to the unique needs of your child. I provide a safe, nonjudgmental, and playful experience to explore and express that inner voice.
Helping children and youth discover their inner voice, sense of autonomy, and self-confidence is my mission. I will guide your child to discover how to effectively communicate their true feelings and needs while developing self-regulation skills, internal motivation, and self-esteem that will propel them forward and beyond.