Find a Canadian Counsellor
I had gone back and forth on whether or not to make this site for months. I started a while back but left it in my “maybe” pile of projects because of the amount of work it takes to create a directory (especially the backend). But, after using Psychology Today and other profiles for a few months I realized that almost none of these directories are specific to Canada, and many of them want absorbent fees. There seems to be an idea that counsellors are all rolling in money… but the reality is that the counsellors who need clients the most, and who need these directories, are likely not rich. With that said… I introduce Unique to this site is the inclusion of a list of supervisors as well as counsellors. It is my hope that this can alleviate some of the pain points of the profession.
Clinician listings on Canadian Counselling are free for a lifetime for those who sign up within the first year. Over time, the pricing will change to maintain services, pay for hosting, manually check licenses, and support advocacy campaigns for the profession. Those who join in the beginning will always have their listing. Free of charge. It’s important to note that being listed on the site is not an endorsement but rather a way for counsellors in Canada to promote their practice or services. Canadian Counselling is maintained by S. Raymond Counselling and Media Inc.
We also have a facebook group here: